The first thing you need to keep in mind in your franchise investigation is that it is a process of mutual elimination for both you and the franchisor. It’s like dating. You might find exactly the franchise you’re looking for on the first try, but that is highly unlikely unless you are using a consultant like us to narrow the search for you. You have a ton of options, but only one will be the best choice for you.

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Topics: Mindset, Franchise, becoming a franchisee
People are often surprised to find franchising is a diverse industry. There are a ton of options out there for aspiring franchisees. We encounter franchises all the time, but we often think of them as them roadside businesses sprinkled across the nation.
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There are plenty of ways to find your path to franchise investment. You might drill down by way of Google until you find something that speaks to you. You might march yourself straight to the sales department of a business you like. You might be introduced or shepherded by a friend or family member who’s already involved. Or you might work with a franchise consultant.

Thinking about becoming a franchisee? The idea’s been percolating—the one about leaving the corporate rat race, investing in your own future, taking control of your professional destiny and steering a new path. You don’t want to keep clinging to the corporate ladder because it’s unfulfilling, insecure, and maybe even sucking the life out of you. You don’t want to go the start-up route because it’s complicated and far too risky.
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Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford once said, “The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.” Ford’s own destiny was one that would have a profound impact for generations to come. He brought cars to businesses and families, and in doing so made the world a little more accessible for everyone.
What does it mean to be 50 in America—this monumental age where we’re no longer young but not yet old? For some, it means an empty nest (and not coincidentally a raft of tuition bills from the universities hosting our fledglings). For others, it means saying No More Excuses and starting the novel, taking the trip, or making the key career move that’s been a growing dream for years. And other feel it means reaching new heights on the corporate ladder.
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