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Topics: Mindset, becoming a franchisee
There are countless reasons for a corporate career to come to an end long before you’re ready to retire to your rocking chair:
Topics: How To Build Wealth
Job searches can be frustrating and deflating for the unemployed or for anyone seeking new career opportunities. Your old executive salary is gone and you need to replace it.
Topics: Franchise
Four Signs You’re Stifling Your Inner Entrepreneur
Topics: Funding
New vs Established: What to Look for in a Franchise Business
There are over 3000 franchise concepts in today’s marketplace, and although most people still think first of “fast food” when they think “franchise”, franchising extends to almost every industry. Franchise business opportunities abound all around you.
Think about a typical day in the life of an American adult. If you wake up in the morning and head to the gym, you’ve likely had your first franchise encounter there. If you stop for a coffee on the way to work, odds are you’ve visited your second. If you go out for lunch, go to the dry cleaner, take your kids to karate lessons or a tutoring center, get a massage, have your car’s oil changed, or pick up takeout for dinner—you’ve been patronizing franchises all day. While investigating and evaluating a franchise you should think about all of this before deciding on a concept.
7 Qualities to Look for in the Right Franchise for You
President Lyndon Johnson once said, “The noblest search is the search for excellence.” If you’re seriously considering franchising, you’re not only pursuing excellence in your personal path, but also seeking it in the franchise you choose to partner with. Sifting through the ocean of information about your options can be a daunting process.
Here are seven key qualities you can use to help prioritize the most important qualities of each contender.
Franchise Qualities
I’m always amazed at the tremendous ingenuity franchisors show in coming up with new ways to implement the franchise model and make it profitable. For example, look at the Massage Envy concept. This franchisor took a traditional small business and created a win/win model that provides value to everyone involved. Customers get discounted massage services by having memberships; franchisees get a reliably steady stream of income from membership dues. The concept created a whole new segment in franchising—one I think we’ll be seeing more of in the future.
Topics: Franchise
The 3 Factors That Will Determine If You Can Afford A Franchise
The leap from investigating a franchise to buying one requires a reality check from any potential investor. Franchise loans are out there, but getting selected as a franchisee has different requirements. Funding is important, but it isn't the only step to financing your first location. There are three main components that will determine if you are financially solvent and solid enough to buy into the franchise you choose: your net worth, your liquid capital, and your credit history.
Topics: Funding, Franchise, entrepreneurship
Ask Yourself These 6 Questions Before Starting A Franchise
Thomas Edison once wrote, “If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.” The skills and strengths you bring to business can help determine if entrepreneurship is right for you. We all have talents and abilities that stand out. Having a firm handle on yours will help you make smart choices as you look at investments and lower your levels of fear and anxiety. Consider the following questions to help assess your own skills and strengths in franchise entrepreneurship:

Topics: Franchise, entrepreneurship